last night was great, went to see a friend (drummer for NYCsmoke ) play in Williamsburg at the Trash Bar. great show, met some great folks, and then nothing better than walking out of the place and seeing beautiful delicate snow waltzing down. it's amazing what two inches of snow does on a clear soft night in brooklyn, everything glowed and it was quiet and peaceful. geoff and michele giggling and having a snowball fight while we walked to the subway stop. impromptu stop for amazing falafel sandwiches on the way there. made it home without getting lost (note to self: expect subway construction late night, no matter where in NYC you are). got off in Greenpoint and walked home and had one of those moments where you feel so at one with yourself and everybreath rejuvenates every cell and membrane of your body. no cars, no throngs of people, i could hear the snow squishing underneath my feet (which is quite a feat). a rare moment in NYC where the streets are quiet.
and then the falafel you had the night before makes you sick in the morning.....maybe pickled onions and pickles were a bad call at 1 am. went to one interview, seemed to go well. rode subway for 45 minutes (which is a LONG time....especially with no ipod, reading material, and you're nauseated and think you're going to throw up. thank goodness for mint orbit gum) to jamaica, queens for a 1pm open call at the career workforce center. get there and realize i'm at the wrong one, it's actually in harlem. ride another 45 minutes to go to an open call at a spanish restaurant on the lower east side. note on door "open call CANCELLED."
nice. waste of a day. however i did enough walking to burn off all the cocoa pebbles i've stocked up on (the 3 for $4) and it was cold enough to break out the trendy faux fur wayne coyne earflap hat.
Here is my roommate katie modeling the trendy faux fur wayne coyne earflap hat.
stay strong mara!